What if urban gardening wasn't just a hobby? Based on this question we developed a gardening system
in offices called Planta. The goal is to take first steps of a new future life style.
My Role
Desk/User research
User flow
Technical concept
Laura Schillke
Sebastian Meidel
Winter 2018/2019
Our connection to food
Previous research has shown that, especially in cities, the distance between humans
and food production has increased considerably. This has a number of consequences such
as a wasteful food consumption and a growing population but not enough resources to supply
this growth. Hence we were asking ourselves: How could urban agriculture be integrated
socially and efficiently into people's immediate environment? And how well could one advance
digital self-sufficiency?
Why in the office?
Fostering urban food production is beneficial in places where food is also consumed.
Offices are therefore very suitable here, as employees eat together five days a week during lunch break.
This way the distance between cultivation and consumption as well as transport distances
can be reduced.
The components
A cultivation system
An in-house chatbot coordinates lunch and harvesting
Connection to regional food suppliers
Integrating into an office
As more and more companies begin to have company messengers such as slack, the
most suitable communication interface is a chatbot within an already existing communication system.
Integrated in Slack
It is integrated in the company’s internal messenger and
coordinates the lunch among the office workers
Calendar integration
As soon as ripe harvest is expected it checks free calendar
entries to find adequate times for lunch
Recipe recommendation
It also suggests recipes for ripe vegetables and gives tips and
tricks on how to grow them.
User flows, sequence diagrams and wire frames
Designing a system means considering all components and how they are linked to each other.
For this we used a variety of methods such as a flow chart, system diagram, sequence diagram and wire
The challenge was to create a user flow, that allows enough space for informal communication
(coffee talks and other non-virtual arrangements) but also guides users to a successful lunch time.
Click prototype
Wire framing the process was very helpful to evaluate the designed user flow. Here you can try
out the application that shows the lunch use case.
All in all, following this concept has taught us a lot about the complexity of food production within
the current life style that seems to be as dense as modern cities. The first iteration of this concept has
delivered a possible integration of fast growing leafy vegetables in offices. The next iteration would be
rethinking our life style in general and how integrating food production in daily life could find a meaningful place.